Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've had just about enough of this Comicgenesis jazz...

Sorry Monday's comic was so late. Comicgenesis was down last night so I couldn't upload it.

Which brings me to the fact that I'm getting pretty tired of this Comicgen bidness and would like to start hosting myself. At this point cost isn't really an issue (I get enough readers to probably cover hosting costs with ads) it's that I have no website programming knowledge. Updating and maintaining an archive is all automated on Comicgen (well, except when it doesn't work right half the time). I wouldn't know how to do that on my own.

If there's anyone out there with any website programming abilities who would like to help, let me know in the comments or in an email. Or maybe there's a site that explains this stuff so I could do it myself that you could point me towards?


Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan, my name's Jarret Sallows, andI can help you set up a website for your comic. I took some web design training at the art institute of Vancouver so I can do all the basic stuff, and can teach you most of what I have learned. Working on it would be a great chance for me to use the skills i learnt while in Vancouver. :)

Drop me a line at stuf_hapens@hotmail.com if you're interested in working with me

Fedora Million Anchor said...

Website coding is VERY simple. If you have any troubles, send an e-mail to Carparama@gmail.com and I'll look it over.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for the offers guys. I didn't think I'd get a response so quick!

I'll be sending you an email soon.

Colin said...

For hosting, I use phpwebhosting.com - unlimited space, bandwidth, etc for $10/month.. and it'll support all the cool code Randy and Jarret come up with! been using them for a long time and I'm very happy...

Mattdennis said...

Heya, better late response than never :)

I truly love CG, but I'm definitely with you on the it's-driving-me-bonkers deal, and have begun that search as well. There's tons of hosting out there, so that'll never really be trouble. Although I haven't looked deep into it, I've at least noticed there are a heck of alot of sites to go to for a way to manage scripting archives... since you wont be able to use ***tags*** any more.

Nate Birch said...

Thanks for the top Colin.

Hmmm, interesting...could you post the links to these sites Matt?

Mattdennis said...

http://www.smackjeeves.com/ Is a common one. It looks heavily template-reliant, so it seems it would take care of both site design and archive management.

www.iPowerWeb.com Was one that caught my interest as hosting. It's not specifically for comics (or anything else), and is a bit of an expense but it offers a buttload of nice things. Downside to it is that you pay for a very long deal, 1-2 years for a decent price. Also, you'd need to find something to help publish the comics and generate your archive.

For that I was looking at iStrip. It seems to be a heck of a versatile doodad, although I don't think it's what you'd like... lots of technical setup on your end.

Next two I'm going to look at are wordpress.org and mindfaucet.com/comicpress/ I can let you know about those after I look into it, or let you take a gander as well. Sorry for such a long post. :\

Mattdennis said...

Whoop! It's just comicpress.org

Nate Birch said...

Don't apologize for the long post, I appreciate all the info!