Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year, New Site Design!

Hey look! The site no longer looks like it was designed by a stupid person! There's more to click on and yet it's looks more organized...go figure! I figured out how to do an image map in html to get this to work (I'm so proud).

Anyways, what do you folks think? Having any problems with anything? Let me know!


Colin said...

I like the new look, but the "first" and "previous" buttons are a little squished looking and hard to click. Gimme a nice square button :)

Anonymous said...

i like it.... but... its so lacking in color. kind of makes me sad. like the sunday comics.... something has got to have color or its not the sunday comics.
i know this isn't the sunday comics but... oh hell, you get the point.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm definitely still going to make a few tweaks to things.

I can definitely upsize the First/Previous buttons a bit.

As for colour...ALL COLOUR HAS BEEN BANISHED FROM THIS SITE, MWAHAHAHA!!! *Ahem*, actually I debated for a while whether to add some colour to the little Baker on the logo, and I still might. There's just not a whole lot of places for colour on such a simple layout though.

Anyways, if anyone else has thoughts, lemme hear them!

BrideOfPorkins said...

I like! Very snazzy with the logo and the buttons and comic and all. My eyes go right to the strip, at they should. Well done!

Fedora Million Anchor said...

Absolutely fantastic upgrade. I love simple, and this is easy as hell to navigate. Kudos.

-Randy from Brandon

Anonymous said...

The whole new thing is looking as if it is a business thing. So..., just add a little colour into it and keep little doodles too if you like it.

Colin said...

Oo, bigger buttons. Thanks!