Friday, November 21, 2008


Yup, today's my birthday and I don't feel like spending it slaving over a hot drawing board, so you get...this.

The sad thing is that this probably isn't the laziest strip I've done, and I didn't have an excuse then.

The Shandy storyline continues Monday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hey, Why's the 11/17 Comic Look...Different?

You'll note the greys look a bit odd on today's comic. For no particularly good reason I decided to do actual ink-washes instead of doing the greys on the computer as usual. Hooray artistic experimentation! It actually turned out least it looked good on the page itself. Things didn't turn out quite as well once I scanned it though as my cruddy old scanner can handle black and white fine, but any sort of subtle greyscale it butchers. Sigh. That first picture of Shandy walking in particular got mangled...the original art is really cute.

Hopefully I can figure out some way to scan things properly because it was actually more fun doing the ink-wash stuff than it is doing it in Photoshop, and the results are a lot less sterile.