Sorry today's comic was late! Had a few computer make up for it, it's the return of the profiles. Unbelievably looking back it's been around 10 months since I put up a new profile. Yikes. I'm just not cut out for this blogging's just too easy to neglect. But anyways, let's get back on the ol' horse...
Name: Ernest P. Ape
Species: Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
Astrological Sign: Virgo
What the "P" Stands For: Pembroke
Host of the “Mating Calls” radio show, Ernest specializes in giving spectacularly bad dating advice to his callers. It’s not entirely clear whether he does this because he enjoys messing with the callers or if he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about…it’s probably a combination of both. We do know old Ernest isn’t quite a smooth as he’d like people to think and may in fact be a bit of a momma’s boy. Another mystery is who exactly listens to his show, although we do know that Shandy, Angsty and one of the zoo’s human zookeepers have called in. Ernest can be rather obnoxious, but ultimately he’s a good guy.
Name: Detective Chomps
Species: Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
Astrological Sign: Cancer
What he's Looking For in a Woman: Thick hide, nice smile and excellent death rolling ability
With the zoo police, Chomps is the lead detective for the missing animals department (most of which happen to be vanishing down Chomps’ own gullet). Chomps isn’t necessarily evil…he’s just doing what comes naturally to his kind, and he’s also one snappy dresser. The hunter has also been the hunted as Edgar McCoy, Master Hunter has targeted him on more than one occasion.