Hey there folks! Sorry I haven't updated this blog in ages, I really need to do it more often (I really want to finish up all the character profiles for instance). Part of the reason I don't write here much is because I'm doing piles of it elsewhere. So let's round it all up...
First off I wrote a new Cracked article which you can read here. I think fans of the comic should like this one...lots of cute humor and cartoons in there. Check it out please! The more hits it gets the more they pay me!
In addition I've been doing a lot of writing for Diehard Gamefan. Here are reviews number one, two and three I've written over there. I've also contributed opinions to the following group features here and here. Also I should mention this article...I actually had nothing to do with it, but all the Gamefan guys are trying to get the word out.
*Phew*! That's a lotta stuff and I have more writing in the works at a bunch of other places as well. Don't fret though, Zoology will always be first in my heart! This blog may remain a bit barren though...